H pylori Infects 50% of the Population

Statistics indicate that over half of the planet’s population may be infected with Helicobacter pylori, most commonly known as H pylori. The CDC, the Center for Disease Control, estimates the world infection rate to be two-thirds, though infection rates in the US are lower.

As my father died of stomach cancer, caused by h pylori, and I was recently diagnosed with this common infection, I thought it important to inform you of the possibility that you could be infected. If you have frequent stomach aches, ulcers, or family history of stomach cancer, I would certainly get checked or follow the simple treatment guidelines below and get checked after treatment.

The discovery of Helicobacter pylori, a spiral bacterium that lives in the inhospitable environment of the human stomach, must rank amongst the greatest medical triumphs of the twentieth century. Two Australian doctors, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, discovered the bacterium in 1982. It took six long years for the medical profession to begin to acknowledge the importance of Marshall and Warren’s work and the first clinical treatment trial was conducted in 1987. Over half the planet’s population is purported to be carrying the bacteria and an estimated 5,000,000 cases of gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer occur annually as a result of the infection.

Figures show that up to 20% of young adults and about 50% of those over 50 are infected in the West, indicating that rates of infection are falling. This may be the result of improved living conditions and increasing antibiotic use, but this is open to speculation as we’re not sure how the infection is transmitted. A recent study in South America found H. pylori under index fingernails in over half of the participants and it is commonly found in the mouth of infected individuals implicating a gastro-oral route of contamination.

Initial research on H. pylori focused on gastric complications, finding the bacteria implicated in 99% of duodenal ulcers. In addition, approximately 60% of gastric ulcers and up to 80% of stomach cancers are associated with the bacteria. The association with stomach cancer has gained H. pylori the doubtful accolade of being the only bacterium recognized as a Grade 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Its presence is estimated to increase the likelihood of stomach cancer six fold.

Actions of H. pylori

One of the major consequences of H. pylori infection is its effect on acid production in the stomach. If the bacteria colonized the area where the stomach joins the small intestine, it can affect the cells that control stomach acid secretion. This can lead to overproduction of hydrochloric acid, paving the way for ulceration. However, if the bacteria colonize the central part of the stomach, the acid-producing cells themselves are affected and less acid is secreted, causing hypochlorhydria or low stomach acid. The consequence of low stomach acid is low B12, since it is difficult to assimilate the nutrient from animal protein if you do not have adequate stomach acid. Some people escape these complications and acid production is unaffected although gastritis or stomach inflammation always accompanies infection.

H. pylori is able to “glue” itself to cell surfaces under the mucosal layer of the stomach, thus protecting itself from immune reactions. Chronic gastric inflammation results as the immune system fails to eradicate the invader and many oxidizing agents are released. Possibly as a result of these oxidizing reactions there are measurably lower levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants in the gastric juice of sufferers. H. pylori’s survival in the stomach depends on its ability to neutralize stomach acid through the production of urease, which reacts with urea to form ammonia. This ammonia along with other products of H. pylori metabolism is toxic to human cells.

H. pylori infection can be a chronic process lasting for decades and the combination of complications can have far-reaching effects on the health of the person carrying the infection, particularly if their nutritional status is compromised. Like any infection, it is opportunistic and will thrive if its host is not healthy.

Illness Caused by H. pylori

The non-gastro-intestinal consequences of H. pylori infection have only been a subject of research in the last 10 years, yet when Barry Marshall first began treating H. pylori he found unrelated conditions clearing up on remission of the infection. Among these were skin conditions, depression, low energy levels and headaches. Subsequent findings have shown a relationship with rosacea and hives. These conditions may be linked in part to increased gut permeability, or leaky gut, associated with H. pylori.

In addition to influencing gut permeability, H. pylori infection can also impede the absorption of iron and vitamin B12 by affecting digestive activity in the stomach and duodenum. This may contribute to the slightly raised risk of cardiovascular problems in sufferers, although these may also be related to other effects of infection such as low levels of antioxidants or high levels of inflammation. Other vascular conditions such as headaches, migraines and Reynaud’s phenomenon have all been linked with H. pylori.

Higher rates of infection than expected have been found in those suffering with autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome and autoimmune thyroiditis, but the mechanism in this connection is not yet understood. H. pylori has also been found in bile and in the liver as well as in many sites in the mouth where it is associated with periodontal disease and halitosis. Recent work has found connections with hyperismus gravidum (a severe form of morning sickness), spontaneous recurrent abortion and in colon and pancreatic cancer.


Unfortunately as yet, there are no generally accepted symptoms, although pain after eating, a classic sign of duodenal ulcer, may be taken as one. Dyspepsia, upset stomach or indigestion, does not seem to be particularly related to infection, but nausea, chronic vomiting, gas, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, and ulcer-like symptoms are somewhat common in H. pylori sufferers, as is a high Body Mass Index. Researchers have found that H. pylori causes severe morning sickness in pregnant women. In one study, 90% of women with severe morning sickness were infected with H.pylori. Gastritis, or inflammation, of the stomach is a classic sign. I have had this since I was a child — unexplained pain due to swelling and inflammation of the stomach in the upper left portion of my ribcage.

Risk Factors

Between 10-20% of those with H. pylori will experience peptic (gastric and duodenal) ulceration, and approximately 1% will experience stomach cancer as a result of the infection. These outcomes are due to the complex interaction between genetic tendencies, the virulence of the strain of H. pylori and environmental factors. For example, genes influence the development of gastric cancer, which is more prevalent in type A blood group, and of duodenal ulcers which are more prevalent in type O. H. pylori itself has different strains of which cag A is the most virulent and most strongly associated with ulceration and cancerous outcomes.  Environmental influences such as diet, overcrowding, poor water supply and hygiene also impact on acquisition rates.


Several methods may be used to diagnose H. pylori infection. These tests are used to detect an H. pylori infection in the stomach and upper part of the small intestine (duodenum). If your spouse or long-term partner has been found positive, then you may well consider testing, as over 70% of partners have been found to share the infection. Guidelines suggest that people with a family history of stomach cancer should also be tested and treated.

  • Blood test. Serological, or blood serum, tests that measure specific H. pylori IgG antibodies can determine if a person has been infected. The sensitivity of these tests range from 80% to 95% depending upon the assay used. This is the test I had. It is not definitive, as the test is not 100%, but it was enough info for me to seek treatment. I did a retest to prove eradication of H. pylori with the definitive stool test.
  • Breath test. In this test, the patient is given either 13C- or 14C-labeled urea to drink. H. pylori metabolizes the urea rapidly, and the labeled carbon is absorbed. This labeled carbon can then be measured as CO2 in the patient’s expired breath to determine whether H. pylori is present. The sensitivity and specificity of the breath test ranges from 94% to 98%.
  • Stool antigen test. A stool antigen test checks to see if substances that trigger the immune system to fight an H. pylori infection (H. pylori antigens) are present in your feces. This is the most accurate test to diagnose H. Pylori. As an FDN practitioner, I can do this test for you. You simply are sent out a test kit, poop in a cup and send it to the lab.
  • Stomach Biopsy. Upper esophagogastroduodenal endoscopy is considered the reference method of diagnosis. During endoscopy, biopsy specimens of the stomach and duodenum are obtained and the diagnosis of H. pylori can be made by the biopsy urease test — a test based on the ability of H. pylori to produce urease. This is not necessary as we have far more sophisticated diagnostic methods that are not as invasive.

Dietary Recommendations

Most H. pylori infections are related to an imbalance of the proper bacteria in the intestinal system. The benefits of the probiotic family of lactobacilli have also been proven through research. Studies show possible benefits from fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), the food for these beneficial gut bacteria as well. Various strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus salivarius inhibit the growth of helicobacter in mice, probably through the production of lactic acid, interfering with H. pylori’s ability to stick to cells. The same study showed that as well as eliminating existing colonies of H. pylori, the presence of lactobacilli prevented colonization by the bacteria. Good bacteria colonization with probiotics is essential in creating an environment that does not support the growth of H.pylori (and many other bacterial and yeast infections). Ninety-five percent of people respond favorably to this strategy if they can also stop all sugar (which feeds bad bacteria) and restrict all their fluids to water only.

A diet based on optimum nutrition shows that genetic susceptibility to H. pylori can be modified and there is mounting scientific evidence to show that such a diet not only helps prevent acquisition of the bacteria but also protects from disease consequences in those who are infected. In one study, research on vitamin C in both mice and humans has shown that in amounts of 5g a day, it can rid the body of H. pylori in up to 30% of individuals. Epidemiological studies have also shown that diets high in fruit and vegetables, and therefore rich in vitamin C, are associated with lower rates of infection and less disease outcome when infection is present.

Fiber is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system and there is an inverse association between fiber levels, particularly soluble sources from vegetables, oats, legumes and seeds, and duodenal ulceration and gastric cancer. Grains and legumes are fine if tolerated. The introduction of steel rolling mills to produce white flour in the latter part of the nineteenth century coincided with a rise in cases of duodenal ulcer. This is due to the fact that consumption of gluten causes H. pylori growth to explode. As such, gluten should be eliminated if you are found to be infected with H. pylori.

Six to eight glasses of water or 3 liters a day ensure proper hydration and optimal conditions for the mucus layer in the stomach. This is the simplest way to treat H. pylori. Many infections resolve with this simple treatment alone. Consumption of tea, both black and green, and red wine is associated with lower incidence of the infection, while coffee and spirits have negative associations.

Vitamin A has also been shown to increase mucous production in the stomach. This can be found in orange colored vegetables and cod liver oil, among other foods.

In laboratory cultures, the phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil had strong antibacterial effects against eight strains of H. pylori, including antibiotic-resistant strains. The compounds were also shown to be capable of remaining stable in the harsh acidic conditions of the stomach.

Foods to be avoided on any anti-H. pylori diet are those which allow the bacteria to proliferate: all sugar, fruit, gluten, chocolate, coffee, dairy products, processed meat, pickled products, refined grains (flour), and alcohol. Gluten and sugar in particular cause an explosive growth in the bacteria. These foodstuffs have all been associated in many research papers with higher incidence of, or disease resulting from, infection with H. pylori.

Many plants have shown an ability to kill H. pylori. Among the substances tested in the laboratory and found to have activity against the microbe is garlic, glycyrrhizic acid, Iceland moss, Manuka honey, cinnamon, garlic, capsaicin and Rheum palmatum (rhubarb root). Barry Marshall notes that H. pylori is sensitive to berberine, and that citrus seed extract is moderately effective in eradicating H. pylori. Mastic gum from the Pistacia lentiscus plant, an ancient remedy for digestive problems, is currently being used with some success.

Here is a summary of the dietary recommendations for h.pylori:

  • You must drink 3 liters of pure spring water a day! This means drinking only water and eliminating soda, juice, milk, tea, and coffee. This simple measure is usually enough to eradicate the infection.
  • Increase vitamin C rich foods — fresh vegetables — sweet peppers, green vegetables, watercress, for instance.
  • Increase iron rich foods – dark leafy greens and legumes.
  • Increase carotenoid and Vitamin A rich foods — carrots, apricots, parsley, watercress, spinach, cantaloupes, mangoes and sweet potatoes.
  • Increase soluble and insoluble fiber — whole grains (if tolerated), legumes (if tolerated), vegetables and seeds.
  • Eliminate gluten.
  • Avoid smoked and pickled foods.
  • Avoid sugar.
  • Avoid table salt. Use colored sea salt instead.
  • Avoid overeating. Eat until you are 80% full.

Medical Treatment of H. pylori

A medical doctor will want to treat your infection with antibiotics. This method will usually take at least two antibiotics with one to three rounds of each antibiotic. While this certainly does work in many cases, I feel antibiotics should be the last resort of treatment. Antibiotics wipe out the good flora in the intestines, which for most people is already poor and dysfunctional, leading to their infection of H.pylori in the first place. This intestinal flora is essential in maintaining proper immune system functioning. Antibiotics do work, but they are treating the symptoms, not the cause. It is overkill to use antibiotics when ninety-five percent of people respond favorably to taking probiotic supplements, eliminating all sugar (which feeds bad bacteria) and restrict all their fluids to water only. Remember, most h.pylori infections are not an emergency or life threatening. You can take your time with treatment.


  • Antibacterials. Garlic, citrus seed extract, mastic gum, and berberine are great to eradicate H. pylori. These can be found in a great formula called Pyloricil by Ortho Molecular Research. You can also take a great garlic product called Allimax that contains concentrated amounts of allicin, the active antibacterial part of garlic. Or simply eat two cloves of raw garlic per day.
  • Manuka Honey. Take 1 teaspoon of honey 3 times a day for 3 months. This eradicates many cases of H. pylori. This is how I beat my h. pylori in addition to the Pyloricil mentioned above. I took Manuka Health 550 Manuka Honey (25+). This is the strongest antibacterial Manuka Honey you can buy. For more information, see my article Medicinal Manuka Honey.
  • Antioxidants. Vitamins A (I get mine from Cod Liver Oil), Vitamin C and selenium, N-acetyl cysteine (glutathione), alpha lipoic acid will help to support immune function.
  • Probiotics. Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactobacillus acidophilus are both found in HLC Intensive Probiotics are known to kill H. pylori. For more information on probiotics, read my article Probiotics–The Foundation of Health. I have my favorite recommended clinical strength probiotics in the Myers Detox Store.
  • Gastro-intestinal. It is wise to increase your digestive strength and support the gut lining to help you digest foods and absorb B12. And since most people with h. pylori have impaired digestion I recommend a whole range of digestive aids:

Alternative Treatments

Infrared saunas are a very important tool in your fight against h.pylori. Parasites like h. pylori are opportunistic infections that more easily harbor in bodies weakened by other chronic infections, heavy metal toxicity and nutritional deficiencies, of which most suffer in today’s toxic world. If you have an h.pylori infection, you likely have additional overgrowth of other bacteria and yeasts that contribute to gut dysbiosis. Bacteria, yeasts, fungi and h.pylori tolerate heat poorly, making saunas ideal to keep them under control. An infrared sauna is a great natural way to kill any kind of infection, including h. pylori, and aid any h.pylori treatment protocol. Many different types of infrared saunas are available in the Myers Detox Store.

Have you healed yourself from H.pylori naturally, without having to use antibiotics or using the suggestions I recommend? Is there anything I left out that you’d like to add? Tell me your story by leaving me a comment below. I want to know!

Click Here for References+

1. Aldoori WH, Giovannucci EL, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Wing AL, Willett WC, Prospective Study of Diet and the Risk of Duodenal Ulcer inMen. Am J Epidemiology 1997 145: 1 42-50.
2. Americans Unaware of the Primary Cause of Peptic Ulcer Disease. January 8, 2008.
3. Buiatti E, et al A Case-Control Study of Gastric Cancer and Diet in Italy: II Association with Nutrients. Int J Cancer: 45 896-901
4. Harris AV, Misiewicz JJ, Helicobacter pylori Blackwell Healthcare Communications 1996.British Medical Bulletin Helicobacter Pylori 1998 54: 1.Realdi G, Dore MP, Fastame L, Extradigestive Manifestations of Helicobacter pylori Infection. Fact and Fiction. Dig Dis Sci. 1999 44: 2 229-236
5. Heliobacter Pylori Tests. http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/helicobacter-pylori-tests
6. Helicobacter pylori and Peptic Ulcer Disease. http://www.cdc.gov/ulcer/keytocure.htm
7. Jarosz M, et al Effects of high dose vitamin C treatment on Helicobacter pylori infection and total vitamin C concentration in GastricJuice. Eur J Cancer Prev. 1998 7: 6 449-454.
8. Kabir AMA, Aiba Y, Takagi A, Kamiya S, Miwa T, Koga Y Prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection by lactobacilli in a gnotobiotic murine model Gut 1997 41: 49-55. http://www.helico.com Helicobacter Foundation (Barry Marshall).
9. Tayomago A et al Epidemiological Study on Food Intake and Helicobacter pylori infection Kurumo Med J 2000 47: 1 25-30.

in Articles/Health Conditions/Survive

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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11 years ago

that is great help … indeed

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10 years ago

This is the best information by far on the subject. I have discovered I have H Pylori and also have had severe morning sickness when pregnant, vitiligo and Hypothyroidism. I am hopeful that I will erradicate the infection and who knows keep my autoimmunity issues at bay. This article has been like a light switching on regarding my health. Thank you

Wendy Myers
10 years ago
Reply to  josephine

Thank you! I’m so glad it helped. Sounds like you have a lot going on!! You can heal from all these issues. A nutritional balancing program will help with the thyroid and autoimmune. A client of mine saw her vitiligo begin disappearing in two months. She was really happy to say the least!!

10 years ago
Reply to  josephine

You probably have gluten sensitivity and leaky gut as well. Definitely I would say. Aileen

10 years ago

Anyone suggest whether to take antibiotic or try natural way better

Wendy Myers
10 years ago
Reply to  Jess

This really the whole point of the article was to try to convince people to NOT take antibiotics but instead try natural therapies. Antibiotics are toxic to the liver and kill most of your beneficial gut flora, which are imperative for your immunity. H pylori is not an immediate life threatening infection, thus using antibiotics are overkill. Natural therapies are more appropriate for this type of infection but more expensive and not covered by insurance. This makes them prohibitive for some people.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Your article is informative and agrees with others I read on the same topic. However, you mention removing all sugar because bacteria feeds on it, yet you recommend including fruit consumption. Clearly fructose is a sugar and must be avoided. Do you agree?

10 years ago

Hi there~ After so many years of visiting the doctor’s office, I have finally met one doctor who decided to test for h.pylori. Over the years, I have been diagnosed with IBS, fibromyalgia, gastritis, fatty liver, and have even had my gallbladder removed. I am also b-12, vitamin d, and iron deficiency. They even tried treating me for depression in which I was never depressed. If anything that made things worse. I was even dealing with leg/feet cramps, fingers and toes turning completey white and going numb. Some call that reynolds syndrome. I even had a nurse tell me “it’s all in your head.” My symptoms have always been on the left side from lower to upper abdomen. I decided have dealing with two weeks of constant pain that wasn’t going away, I would try to visit the doctor again, in which I was really hesitant to go in because I have always been told there is nothing wrong. This last visit, the doctor was stumped on what was causing me so much pain. We tested for kidney stones, bladder infection, and checked my blood levels. However, after all these tests, they still couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but I was fighting some kind of infection because my monocytes where high. So before I walked out the door I asked if maybe I had an ulcer, so they decided to run the Hpylori test. Go figure it came back positive! My fingers are crossed that over all of these years, this is the cause of ALL of my symptoms! I am taking the two week therapy of proton inhibitors and antibiotics. I hope it works!

9 years ago

Thank you for this excellent information! My doctor did an h.pylori blood test several years ago, which came back negative. However, since the standard recommended colonscopy 27 months ago, I have had increasing burping, sometimes in private if’s almost incessant. I recently realized that so much good flora would have been killed off (makes me so sad!!) in prep for the colonscopy. I feel like bad bacteria has taken over and the burping is their digestion – arg! I didn’t realize I should’ve attempted to rebuild the flora afterward. I did eat 100% Dr. Fuhrman for 10 weeks after that procedure, but now my diet is just awful, a lot of grocery story junk – high sugar and fat. Several months ago, my psychiatrist suggested that my stomach acid might be too low, and bad bacteria causing the belching. My internal medicine doctor just recommended a stronger acid reducer for 60 days to be followed by an endoscopy if no success. I just haven’t been able to get myself to take a 60 day course of the Prilosec, have used it only when gut upset is unbearable. I’ve requested another test for active h. pylori infection. If I were to use alternative approach, what work up and diet/supplements would your recommend? I doubt my Internal Medicine physician will write a script for an alternative test, but I have PPO insurance so I can see other providers without referral.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Cathy365

Oh no! Don’t take an acid reducer. Most stomach issues are actually due to LOW acidity. For an h. pylori test the most definitive one is the three day stool test. There aren’t really any ‘alternative natural’ tests. Medicine is pretty amazing at diagnosis, but is not always foolproof. YOu may have to dig and research to get to the bottom of the issue. YOu could have SIBO, small intestinal bowel overgrowth. I would ask your dr to test for that. Cyrexlabs has great tests for the bowel. They have a complete GI panel you can do. While you’re investigating, be sure to take some manuka honey, which will kill bad bacteria in the gut while you’re trying to resolve the issue. Betaine HCL with pepsin is great, too. https://myersdetox.com/product/designs-for-health-betaine-hcl-with-pepsin/ It may be a good place to start to digest your food since it sounds like your digestion is really off. And you likely need extra acid. Digestive enzymes are a good idea too. These are my favorite. https://myersdetox.com/product/enzyme-science-complete-digestion-digestive-enzymes/

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

It took me about 3 months to get rid of it. Gut issues take a while. Be patient and keep working on your health. And your goal is not to banish h. Pylori – it’s simply to get it under control so it’s not causing problems. This also entails and overall improvement in health and diet so your immune system can keep it under control for good.

make sure your manuka honey is the correct strength and is MGO or UMF certified of at least 15+, preferably 20+. If not, you;re wasting your time and money and won’t heal the h.pylori.

This is the Manuka Honey I take. http://store.myersdetox.com/supplements/mgo-400-manuka-honey-20-8-8-oz/

Rick Vincent
Rick Vincent
9 years ago

Excellent article on H. pylori. I’ve had this condition for many years – according to a breath test – and had a most unpleasant experience with a Dr. prescribed antibiotic ” cure “.
Looking forward to trying your diet approach, esp. more water, garlic and cod liver/extra virgin olive oil. However, my experience ( and that of my father ) is that low fat milk tended to ease the burning sensations that I have now associated with H. pylori. Perhaps in spite of the lactose?
Best wishes, and keep up the great work,

Rick Vincent

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Rick Vincent

HI Rick! glad you like the article! the milk naturally is an antacid so it’s calming the acid in your stomach. I used to use it too when my stomach felt acidic.

I highly recommend the h pylori supplement protocol with pyloricil and manuka. It will knock it out!

8 years ago

Just so you know – whole grains (and really any grains/carbs), dried fruit, and even some vegetables like carrots and potatoes are all high in natural sugars, as are the melons and some of the fruit you mentioned. (Dried fruit is actually much, much higher in natural sugar than its fresh counterparts.) You may want to tweak those recommendations a bit.

Wendy Myers
8 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

I’m not sure where you’re seeing this. I don’t recommend dried fruit anywhere in the article. We’re not worried about sugar and carbs from veggies and potatoes. The issues is more sugar and refined grains. I also specifically say to avoid fruit. “Foods to be avoided on any anti-H. pylori diet are those which allow the bacteria to proliferate: all sugar, fruit, gluten, chocolate, coffee, dairy products, processed meat, pickled products, refined grains (flour), and alcohol.”

8 years ago
Reply to  Wendy Myers

In the third bullet of your list of food recommendations is where you suggest dried fruit:

“Increase iron rich foods – dark leafy greens, legumes and dried fruit”
Did you copy and paste or not realize what you wrote or did you not write this or since you said you don’t recommend dried fruit anywhere in the article, you can’t search for words?

8 years ago

Hi wendy

I am suffering from hyplori. I took twice nexim ph7 and .my urea breath show still high 2058dpm.

please help me

8 years ago

Hi wendy

I am suffering from hyplori. I took twice nexim ph7 and .my urea breath show still high 2058dpm.

please help me

Wendy Myers
8 years ago

You likely got e.coli poisoning. Ive gotten it before from oysters. This can cause a bacterial dysbiosis, which can lead to the proliferation of other microorganisms like h. pylori. Probiotics alone are NOT going to resolve gut infections like h. pylori. You need to use the protocol in the article and you should be fine.

9 years ago

Hi Wendy, great post .. Just wondering how long will it take to banish this bacteria for good? Ive been tested positive for h.pylori, and i am doing the natural way. Ive been struggling with bloating and burning feeling in the stomach.. And ive started taking apple cider, turmeric, coconut oil, manuka honey and probiotics.

Baris Berk
Baris Berk
8 years ago

Hi Wendy,
My name is Baris. almost 10 months ago, I was in Ireland and I ate raw oysters and also next day chicken(which didn’t taste cooked very well)and within 48 hours I got terrible stomach problems such as nausea, indigestion and lack of appetite. I am not sure which caused the problem but I’ve got some type of virus or bacteria initially which changed the balance of my stomach and then H.pylori problem surfaced. I could not eat anything and when I eat couple bites I was full with no appetite and I came back to US after 2 days later and my doctor(regular doctor not gastro intestinal specialist)said ; just use some probiotics and within a few days you should be fine and I did that but after 10 days using probiotics the results did not change. I used the product pyloricil for 2-3 weeks and nothing changed.
I go back to my doctor and insisted that I wanted to see the specialist and asked him please do a stool test for H.pylori and he said he would arrange something. After almost 30 days having this problems, finally I got the stool test which came positive for H.pylori and they put me on 2 antibiotic with PPI.I used it 2 weeks and then wait another 2 weeks to get the tests and the test was negative and my eating and my appetite improved significantly however My stomach is never the same, now I have gastritis and rarely GERD and it does not seem to go away, I have tried hanuka honey(factor 16+) but sometimes it bother my stomach I tried to eat alkaline based foods(lots of veggies such as broccoli and spinach,carrots,celery,potato) Also, 1 hour before the bed time I drink half glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice which soothes my stomach. I used DGL licorice occasionally to stabilize my stomach but since February 2015 I have been dealing with the gastritis and I have been very frustrated and hopeless. I am even thinking to go to other countries to seek remedies for gastritis. What would you advise how to cure this nasty illness. Oh on another note, I eat 2 apples , 2 bananas a day(as snacks) and in the morning everyday a bowl of oatmeal with rasins,almonts,coconut(fresh pieces)and sprinkled cinnamon powder.(this is my routine breakfast) the lunch and dinner generally Salmon(grilled),chicken boiled or sautéed and very rarely lean meat(grilled),green beans,bolied potatoes,sweet potatoes,lentils and bulgur rice.(or white rice sometimes and brown rice)No coffee, no chocolate, no tea, no alcohol,no orange, no deserts so it seems that the gastritis does not go away. Can you advise something please and I lost my faith on the modern medicine. They also did endoscopy and they said I have gastritis and just regular diet remedy(this was done almost 4 months ago)During the treatment I lost almost 18-20 pounds but later on I gained them back at least 15pounds but my stomach is never the same like before this infection.(pre-infection) can you please give me some advise.Thanks a lot.

KD Yana
KD Yana
7 years ago

I don’t believe saunas cure or even help control infections. I’ve used an FIR sauna for years (I own one) and have had to fight Lyme, babesia, H. pylori, SIBO, colds, flus, and other infections using pharma/herbal/nutritional means. A sauna is great, and it’s healthy to sweat and detox, but killing and controlling infections is going a bit too far, in my opinion (that is just *my* opinion, based on my experience as a frequent sauna user).

Wendy Myers
7 years ago
Reply to  KD Yana

Saunas are merely one thing that can help to control these infections. It will not do the job by itself. Heating up your body with fevers is the way the body controls infections and when you help the body by increasing heat high enough to kill infections, then this will help to control them, but not eradicate them. It sounds like you have a lot of infections and because of that they can be harder to control as your immune system is not able to handle all the work.