14 Heart Healthy Foods to Help Reverse Hardened Arteries Naturally

Atherosclerosis, also known as “hardening of the arteries,” occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries and form hard structures called plaques. 

Hardening of the arteries begins with an injury to the endothelium, the lining, of artery walls. The injury is due to high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation, eating too much sugar and flour, smoking, free radicals produced by bodily processes and many other factors.

In response to the injury, white blood cells, along with lipids (fats), begin to accumulate along the inner layer of the artery. These fats and white blood cells begin to oxidize (become rancid) and build up in the artery walls, forming plaques. These plaques begin to harden and bulge inward, and then grow larger. Even then, there are no symptoms until the narrowing reaches 70 percent. If the plaque is disturbed or bursts, blood platelets can accumulate at the site and form a clot, which can grow until it completely blocks an artery and cuts off the oxygen supply to the heart, brain, or other body part.

Pieces of plaque can also break off and move to smaller blood vessels, blocking them. If the clot completely blocks the blood and oxygen supply to a major artery leading to the heart, the tissue begins to die within minutes. A heart attack ensues. If an artery to the brain is blocked the result is a stroke. Atherosclerosis that affects the arteries in the arms, legs or pelvis is called peripheral artery disease.

Healthy blood vessels are elastic and flexible, accommodating changes in physical activity and stress levels. But in atherosclerosis, blood vessels stiffen and reduce blood flow by 15 percent or more. Your heart has to work harder to make up the difference.

Atherosclerosis is responsible for coronary artery disease, the leading cause of death in the US. It is responsible for at least 43 percent of all deaths in the US. The only countries beating us in heart disease deaths are India (#1 at 1.5 million deaths yearly), China (#2 at 700,000 deaths yearly), and Russia (#3 at 670,000 deaths yearly). The US has 500,000 deaths yearly. There are 2002 statistics. Worldwide, heart disease is running rampant as our deadly diet is reaching the corners of the globe.


Atherosclerosis is often called the silent killer, as the first sign for many is a fatal heart attack or stroke. Atherosclerosis doesn’t cause any symptoms until narrowing of an artery reaches 70 percent or becomes completely blocked. In blockage of heart arteries, symptoms can include:

  • Chest pain (angina). Angina feels like pressure or squeezing in the chest. It results from reduced blood supply to the heart muscle, an increased demand for oxygen by the heart, or emotional stress. It can also manifest as pain in the shoulders, arms, back, neck or jaw. Angina typically worsens with activity and is relieved with rest.
  • Shortness of breath. This is your heart or body gasping for oxygen that is not being delivered due to blocked arteries.
  • Indigestion. This can be a result of angina or a heart attack.
  • Arrhythmias. An abnormal heartbeat can be too slow or too fast.
  • Numbness, tingling, pain, and infections in extremities. The symptoms of peripheral artery disease, where arteries are beginning to harden in the legs and arms, include numbness, tingling, pain, and infections.


If you are older than 20, and have been eating a typical Western diet, chances are atherosclerosis has already begun. Risk factors include:

  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Insulin resistance, Prediabetes, or Diabetes
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Sleep apnea
  • Stress
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol

Inflammation is the underlying cause of atherosclerosis and many other serious diseases. High blood levels of a protein called C-reactive protein indicate inflammation. Though modern medicine seems to blame high cholesterol for the disease, other parameters like fibrinogen and homocysteine levels are far more dangerous and indicative of atherosclerosis.

In the past, a diet high in cholesterol was viewed as a cause of high cholesterol, but this view is too simplistic. The body does not simply ingest cholesterol and then deposit it into the arteries. Cholesterol from food has no effect whatsoever on the level of our blood cholesterol. Cholesterol is only dangerous when it has been oxidized (by smoking, alcohol, bad diet, and not exercising). Many studies show that the damage caused by high blood sugar — from eating too much sugar and grains — scars the insides of the arteries, leading to damage. The liver then produces cholesterol to repair the damage. Cholesterol is absolutely necessary for repair of the arteries. Without it (when you take statins), you’re left with no way to repair the damage your diet and lifestyle are causing.

Heavy metal toxicity plays a role in atherosclerosis. Zinc deficiency, copper deficiency, or cadmium toxicity, weaken arterial walls and as a compensatory measure, the body deposits calcium or fatty substances to reinforce arterial strength. Imbalance in the calcium/magnesium ratio or an elevated calcium level may be associated with deposits of calcium in arteries. This response to toxicity and nutrient deficiencies hardens the arteries.

Many other toxins screw up cholesterol chemistry and contribute to hardening of the arteries. Phthalates in soft plastics and water bottles leach out into food and water that then sit in your cells and damage their ability to properly metabolize cholesterol. Teflon from your frying pan or mercury from fish and dental fillings also damage your cholesterol chemistry. There are thousands of industrial chemicals working synergistically to destroy your body and its ability to protect itself. The only answer is to educate yourself on toxic substances, avoid them and detox your body of these poisons. You can read more about how to avoid common toxins in my article Reduce Your Exposure to Cancer Causing Agents.


An examination with a stethoscope, where your doctor is listening for a whooshing or blowing sound, can indicate atherosclerosis. High cholesterol levels that show up on blood tests suggest an increased risk for atherosclerosis. The following tests can also help diagnose atherosclerosis:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): A test to record the heart’s electrical activity. It shows how fast the heart is beating, its rhythm, and can reveal signs of heart damage caused by coronary artery disease and signs of a past or present heart attack.
  • Echocardiogram: This test uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart. It also yields information about the size and shape of the heart and how well the heart’s chambers and valves are working. Echocardiography can also reveal areas of poor blood flow to the heart, areas of the heart that aren’t contracting normally and previous injury to the heart muscle caused by poor blood flow.
  • Computed Tomography (CT Scan): With this test you get computer-generated pictures of the heart, brain or other areas of the body. In the case of the heart, it can show narrowing of large arteries and reveal calcium build-ups in coronary artery walls.
  • Stress Test: This is a test to show how long you can continue to walk on a treadmill as the speed increases and how fast your heart rate returns to normal after 30 minutes or less of exercise. A stress test can also reveal abnormal changes in heart rate or blood pressure, shortness of breath or chest pains and abnormal changes in your heart’s rhythm or electrical activity.
  • Angiography: A flexible tube (catheter) is put in a blood vessel of the arm, groin or neck and dye that can be seen on an x-ray is injected through the catheter to the arteries. Then x-rays show whether plaque or a clot is blocking an artery, how severe the blockage is and the blood flow through the arteries.
  • Ankle/Brachial Index: This test for peripheral artery disease compares blood pressure in the ankle with blood pressure in the arm to reflect how well blood is flowing.
  • Doppler Test. These use ultrasound or sound waves. It can show how well blood is moving through the arteries.
  • Magnetic Resonance Arteriography (MRA). This is a special type of magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) scan that can show how well blood is moving through the arteries.

Conventional Treatment

If hard science and patient benefit were central factors in determining treatment, these conventional procedures would be a rarity. But invasive cardiology has nothing to do with science. It has nothing to do with saving lives or improving quality of life. It has to do with money. These procedures generate more than $120 billion a year, a windfall that makes up approximately 45 percent of the total revenue of most hospitals! That’s why angioplasty and bypass remain popular, despite dozens of studies — not one of them showing that either of these procedures prevents heart attacks or premature death for the overwhelming majority. Even if you get one of these procedures, half of patients are clogging up their ‘new or improved’ vessels within six months of the operation.

The following medical treatments and procedures are likely to be recommended by your cardiologist:

  • Angioplasty. This is done to open blocked or narrowed coronary arteries, improve blood flow and relieve angina. It may include installation of a stent (a small mesh tube) to keep the artery open after the procedure. According to findings from the COURAGE trial—the definitive study on elective angioplasty— eight of 10 patients who undergo this procedure are inappropriate candidates who would be better served by more conservative therapy. Even when the angioplasty procedure is performed without problems, the artery can narrow again months afterward. For instance, my father has this procedure done, but it did not hold and needed to be redone. It ultimately did nothing for his heart health. Narrowing of the artery post-angioplasty can be caused by blood clots occurring at or near the site of the treatment. Aspirin, heparin, coumadin, warfarin or combinations of anti-clotting drugs are generally used before and after the procedures to try and prevent this. Warfarin and coumadin were originally and still are used as rat poison. Oh, but it thins your blood so you should take it if you have heart problems.
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting.  A surgical procedure that involves taking blood vessels from other areas of your body to “bypass” narrowed areas of coronary arteries in order to improve blood flow to the heart, relieve chest pain and, possibly, prevent a heart attack. This same procedure may be used to bypass narrowed or blocked arteries in the leg. This surgery is invasive and unnecessary. Simple dietary and lifestyle measures can completely reverse blocked arteries. My grandfather and uncle both had this procedure. It involved months of recovery with both speaking of never feeling the same again. They both entered into a slow, steady decline following the surgery. Studies show that you’re more than twice as likely to die from this surgery as you are from heart disease.
  • Carotid endarterectomy. Surgery to remove built-up plaque from the carotid arteries in order to restore blood flow to the brain in an effort to prevent a stroke. This surgery can result in bleeding, infection, blood clots, brain damage, stroke or heart attack.
  • Aspirin. Fire your doctor if he recommends taking aspirin to prevent heart attack. High cholesterol and heart disease is not caused by a deficiency of aspirin. Two decades ago it was shown in the Journal of the American Medical Association that aspirin provides no protective benefit. Eight other studies have shown aspirin more than doubles your chance of having a stroke. Aspirin also promotes age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in seniors. So, why is this treatment recommended? A 1992 Lancet study funded by the Bayer Corporation (oh, the maker of aspirin!) concluded that aspirin reduced the risk of heart attack. The reason this study showed such great results is because Bayer provided the study with Bufferin, which contains magnesium oxide. Magnesium deficiency is rampant in our society, contributing to all kinds of health problems, including heart disease. It was actually the magnesium, rather than the aspirin, that showed such promising results.
  • Low Cholesterol Diet. As soon as high cholesterol is diagnosed, you’re told by your doctor to go on a low cholesterol diet. Eeeeh. Wrong. This is dangerous advice. Without sufficient cholesterol, we cannot make our hormones or the membranes of our brain, heart, and other cells. Our brain is 25% cholesterol. It needs cholesterol to function. Without sufficient dietary cholesterol, you are more vulnerable to heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. This is useless advice because the liver can make three times as much cholesterol in a day as you could eat. It makes 80% of our cholesterol regardless of dietary intake of cholesterol. The dietary staple shown to increase cholesterol is sugar, flour, and refined grains.

Wendy’s Natural Recommendations

Modern medicine says that hardening of the arteries cannot be reversed once it has occurred. This is not true. With commitment to alternative treatments and changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can reclaim your health. On the flip side, I realize there are some people unwilling to make these lifestyle changes. It takes work and dedication — or they can’t afford treatments their insurance won’t cover. In these cases, conventional treatment may be the only answer to extend their life. I recommend making the following natural treatments to both lower the risk of atherosclerosis and reduce symptoms once it has manifested.


  • Exercise. Regular exercise helps maintain the health of the vessels leading to the heart. Exercise also can strengthen the heart muscle itself. Walking after meals, even just for 10 minutes, can reduce blood sugar after meals, and prevent further damage to the blood vessels.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking oxidizes cholesterol, causing it to deposit in your blood vessels and contribute to atherosclerosis. This is the single most important change you can make to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. A great program is 14andout.com.
  • Control blood pressure. While I don’t recommend controlling blood pressure by taking blood pressure medication, I do recommend all the suggestions in the brilliant book The Blood Pressure Hoax by Sherry Rogers.
  • Control cholesterol. The standard tests for cholesterol are outdated. The standard cutoff for high cholesterol is 200, but healthy levels are different for many people. You don’t want your cholesterol levels too low either. Low cholesterol levels below 150 are associated with premature death and many, many health problems. The body needs some cholesterol. You want to look at the size of your cholesterol particles, not just the total cholesterol number. Most doctors do not look at this parameter, even though it is the only meaningful way to evaluate cholesterol numbers. You can have LDL cholesterol that looks normal, say 100, but you may have over 1,000 small LDL particles which are very dangerous. On the other hand, you can have the same LDL number of 100, and it may be made up of 400 large particles which cause no real health risk. HDL cholesterol is very protective — it cleans up oxidized LDL. LDL cholesterol is the culprit causing hardened and blocked arteries. It’s fine as long as it’s not oxidized, but it becomes oxidized with smoking, lack of physical activity, stress, industrial chemicals and a toxic diet. For more information on how to control your cholesterol and get to the root cause of the issue, listen to my podcast with Jimmy Moore, author of Cholesterol Clarity.
  • Control diabetes. High blood sugar contributes to hardening of the arteries. Note that current research shows that statins (cholesterol-lowering medications) may, in fact, contribute to diabetes. I beg you to reconsider when your doctor advises you to take toxic medications like statins or insulin. You’ll be taking meds to control your high cholesterol, which cause diabetes, which in turn causes hardening of the arteries! Medications make people sicker quicker. Diabetes can be cured. You can also listen to this podcast I did on how to Heal Diabetes Naturally.
  • Maintain good dental health. In a new study published in the British Medical Journal researchers found that people with poor oral hygiene had a 70 percent increased likelihood of developing heart disease compared to those who brushed regularly. Because gum disease can cause atherosclerosis, it is vital to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily. Flossing breaks up bacteria colonies in the gums that can get into the blood stream and cause infection and inflammation in other parts of your body. Most importantly, be sure to have regular dental checkups and get your teeth cleaned every six months to remove plaque buildup. If this is not removed, you are very likely to get periodontal disease, which contributes to heart disease.

Alternative Methods

  • Myers Detox with Hair Mineral Analysis. Myers Detox Protocol tests for mineral levels and heavy metals, allowing you to do targeted remineralization of your body – imperative for your health and detoxification. Hardened arteries are due to calcifications of the arteries. This situation is caused by adrenal fatigue and copper toxicity. When the tissues have low sodium and potassium levels, the body is not able to retain calcium blood serum levels and calcium leaches out in to tissues, including the arteries. This situation can be reversed on a Myers Detox  program by healing the adrenals and removing calcifications from the body and arteries. Hardened arteries are also in part due to zinc deficiency. The body is then forced to patch the arteries with cadmium, a toxic heavy metal, that makes the arteries hardened and brittle. Eliminating heavy metals and industrial chemicals, built up in your system over your lifetime that are aggravating or causing this condition, will no doubt help atherosclerosis. In the process, you will greatly increase your overall health and prevent future diseases from developing. For more information see Myers Detox Protocol.
  • Infrared Saunas. Infrared Saunas are imperative to sweat out the hundreds of industrial chemicals we ingest every day. These chemicals not only contribute to hardening of the arteries, but so many other diseases and health conditions. Read more about them in my article about Infrared Saunas. You can purchase many different types of saunas in the Myers Detox store.
  • Enhanced External Counterpulsation. EECP is a nonsurgical therapy with incredible benefits for the cardiovascular system. It stimulates the formation of collateral circulation, or new blood vessels around clogged arteries. This is like a natural heart bypass! It’s much cheaper than open heart surgery, which will run you $100,000. EECP can be performed every day for 30-45 days at $200 a session. The overwhelming majority of people who do this therapy do not end up having to undergo bypass surgery.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) restores blood flow and helps build collateral circulation. HBOT forces oxygen into your cells, oxygenating your tissues and clearing out toxins.
  • Hippocrates Health Institute. If you need serious intervention to improve your health look no further than the Hippocrates Health Institute. This amazing institution has rejuvenated patients, very much alive today, after their doctor told them there was nothing more to be done and to go home to die.
  • The Whittaker Wellness Institute. Whittaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, Ca is one of the largest alternative medical centers in the US. Want to truly cure your atherosclerosis? Go here instead of your conventional doctor.


  • Multivitamin. Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton is the earth’s best multivitamin. It contains 180 nutrients – every nutrient the human body requires. And because it’s food-based there are no synthetic ingredients. Take 1-5 dropper-fulls per day. But beware. You do not want marine phytoplankton in capsules or powder as it goes rancid very quickly. I can only recommend Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton because it is in a special liquid keeping it fresh and preventing rancidity.
  • Fish oil. 2000mg daily. EPA and DHA, fish oil’s primary omega-3 fatty acids, reduce inflammation, lower blood lipids (especially triglycerides), improve blood viscosity, and normalize heart rhythms. Taking these supplements can reduce cardiovascular mortality by as much as 45 percent. Reduce the suggested amount if you eat fish three times per week. A great omega-3 fish oil by Life Extension can be found in the Myers Detox Store. I also love cod liver oil by Green Pastures.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). 200–600 mg daily. This antioxidant helps protect LDL (“bad”) cholesterol from oxidation, maintain healthy blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and can support optimal functioning of the heart muscle. You MUST take this if you have ever been or are currently on statins (high cholesterol medication). If you doctor did not recommend this supplement when prescribing statins, he is acting irresponsibly and shows a lack of scientific knowledge of the drug he is prescribing. When you go on statins, it poisons the enzymes in your liver that produces protective cholesterol and CoQ10, which you need to protect your arteries from further damage. I like Designs for Health CoQ10. The One Mitochondrial Optimizer by Quicksilver Scientific is also good!
  • Garlic. Long revered for its health benefits, garlic is rich in antioxidants and increases nitric oxide production. In a study of 15 men with coronary heart disease, researchers found that 2.4 grams of aged garlic extract reduced endothelial dysfunction by 44 percent. It’s best to eat either raw garlic or aged (fermented) garlic, but you can also take Kyolic aged garlic extract.
  • Magnesium. 400–1,000 mg daily. Many heart attacks are precipitated by dangerously low magnesium. Many heart attacks an be prevented simply by supplementing with this mineral. Magnesium relaxes the smooth muscle tissues that dilate the arteries and reduce blood pressure. Heart medications and blood pressure medications cause magnesium deficiencies, making you sicker. Magnesium is best taken in chelated form. Large amounts of magnesium can cause diarrhea, so build up your dose gradually. A great chelated magnesium malate chelate supplement is this one by Designs for Health. I also like Jigsaw Magnesium. Both are available in the Myers Detox Store. I take both to get a few different forms and cover my magnesium bases.
  • TMG (Trimethylglycine). TMG is a vitamin-like substance that does a great job of lowering homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid that, in excess, is irritating to the arteries and is strongly associated with inflammation and hardening of the arteries. Homocysteine level is a much more reliable indicator of heart disease than cholesterol levels. To lower homocysteine, most doctors suggest a combination of supplementary vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid rather than TMG, although TMG may work better and is recommended for inherited homocysteinuria.
  • R-Lipoic Acid. 300mg daily. In a recent study at the Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, researchers reported that 300 mg of R-lipoic acid improved endothelial function by almost 50 percent, and the antioxidant also enhanced the benefits of a drug used to treat heart disease. I prefer R-lipoic acid to the more popular alpha-lipoic acid because R-lipoic acid is all natural, making it more effective, while alpha-lipoic acid is a combination of natural and synthetic lipoic acid. I love Life Extensions Alpha Lipoic Acid.
  • Nattokinase. Nattokinase is a unique enzyme that supports healthy clotting function and circulation. Nattokinase has the distinct ability to break down the adhesive substance that makes arterial plaque very sticky. In this way, it supports a preventative and reversing effect on blood clotting and plaque build up in the arteries. Nattokinase is derived from natto, a fermented soy food that is an integral part of traditional Japanese cuisine, and has been shown in studies to benefit the cardiovascular system. Nattokinase is a powerful proteolytic enzyme that has fibrinolytic health benefits. It is best known for its astounding fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) capacities. Perhaps its most supported use is in the area of cardiovascular health, where it helps to rejuvenate healthy fibrin metabolism and reduce blood clotting. Clear Way Cofactors by Quicksilver Scientific has high-potency nattokinase.
  • Red Yeast Rice. 900-1800mg a day. Coratin by Metagenics is one of the most advanced products containing Red Yeast Rice. Coratin contains Monascus purpureaus, a red-pigmented yeast grown on rice. Numerous studies in China and the United States have demonstrated that red yeast rice preparations are helpful in maintaining healthy blood cholesterol levels. This is important, as maintaining optimal cholesterol levels has been shown to be one component of maintaing good cardiovascular health. In addition to natural monacolins, red yeast rice contains the phystosterols, beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol, as well as isoflavones and trace minerals, all of which can contribute to cardiovascular health.
  • Curcumin. 2-4 g a day. Curcumin is world-renowned for reducing inflammation and pain. Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric. This Turmeric by Oregon’s Wild Harvest contains highly bioavailable curcumin. Curcumin has been found in many studies to prevent buildup of plaque, therefore preventing onset of atherosclerosis leading to blocked arteries, stroke or heart attack. In laboratory studies on animals, it was found that turmeric extracts could lower levels of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol. Another study pointed out that curcumin prevents cholesterol oxidation that is the main reason for plaque buildup, destruction of blood vessels and heart attacks or strokes. Curcumin has vitamin B6, essential in maintaining optimal homocysteine levels, excess of which could cause plaque buildup and blood vessel damage. In a study on 10 healthy patients given 500mg curcumin for 7 days daily, their oxidized cholesterol levels in the blood reduced by 33%, total cholesterol by 11.63% and HDL cholesterol had a 29% increase.
  • Annato Tocotrienols. 100mg a day. Designs for Health Annato Tocotrienols are extremely potent and effective for heart health by  lowering cholesterol, healthy lipid levels and for defending against oxidative stress. The most effective concentrates shown to lower plasma cholesterol and oxidative indicators were those with low tocopherols and high tocotrienols.
  • Essential Oil of Lemon. Lemon essential oil is pure potassium citrate. It dissolves calcium deposits in the arteries. Put 10-20 drops in a glass of water twice a day. Doterra, Young living, or any organic essential oil will do.


  • Follow a low-glycemic diet. You must remove sugar, flour, and refined grains from your diet. Ideally, ALL grains, including whole grains, should be removed. The consumption of these foods raises blood sugar, which damages blood vessels. Consequently, your liver produces cholesterol to go in and repair the damage caused by these foods. This is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis.
  • Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. The Modern Paleo Diet is the perfect diet to reduce inflammation, a major cause of atherosclerosis. It is also low-glycemic.
  • Omega-3. Atherosclerosis is associated with a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. Eat more oily fish, fish oil supplements, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and flax seed. Grass fed, organic meats have significantly more omega-3 than conventionally raised factory-farmed meats. Factory-farmed meats are very high in omega-6, which block the absorption of omega-3 even if you eat sufficient quantities and take fish oil.
  • Flaxseed. Mix a quarter cup of ground flaxseed in juice and drink it once a day, an hour before your main meal. Flaxseed is an excellent source of fiber. Soluble fiber binds to bile acids in the intestinal tract and interferes with the reabsorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. In addition, flaxseed is nature’s richest plant source of protective omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs). Because the oils in ground flaxseed can quickly become rancid, I recommend using whole flaxseed, rather than pre-ground seeds. Whole flaxseeds are extremely shelf-stable and can be stored for years. Organic golden flax seeds are the best. These tiny golden or brown seeds have a rich, nutty flavor and can be sprinkled on cereal and salads or mixed in water or a protein drink (stir and drink quickly, as it thickens as it sits). Simply grind them in a food mill or coffee grinder before serving. Ground flax seeds can be kept fresh in the fridge for two months.
  • Avoid Trans Fats. These deadly fats raise cholesterol levels and contribute to heart disease more than any other food. They are in almost all processed foods and ALL fast foods. If trans fats were eliminated from the food supply, heart disease would be reduced by 50%! Avoid any foods with partially hydrogenated oils or interesterified fats on the ingredient label.
  • Avoid Fried Foods and Vegetable Oils. Research on endothelial function has clearly shown that eating deep-fried foods can have a disastrous effect on your blood vessel tone. Vegetable oils are touted as healthy by the food industry because they are so profitable, but they are actually highly inflammatory. The only exception is healthy olive oil.
  • Avoid Wheat. Wheat is known to cause inflammation and other health problems in most people, not just those with gluten sensitivity. There are typically no symptoms, unless you are gluten intolerant. Gluten is the protein in wheat. Repeated exposure to wheat accelerates glycation (a type of chemical reaction that happens when sugar molecules attack proteins or lipid fats) in the lining of your arteries, contributing to hardening. Read more about why wheat is bad for you in Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD. For more information, you can also read my article Gluten Sensitivity Affects 1 in 3.
  • Avoid Sugar. Blood sugar must be controlled in order to stop and reverse the onset of atherosclerosis. This means avoiding sugar and anything else that will raise blood sugar, like most refined grains. Sugar acts like shards of glass in the arteries. It cuts the insides of the arteries, causing scar tissue. This scar tissue builds up and hardens the arteries. Sugar and other refined carbohydrates elevate insulin levels. Increased insulin levels are associated with increased cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and death from cardiovascular disease.

I hope this article spares your life and a lot of pain. I believe it clarifies the fact that you can overcome heart disease with natural treatments and completely sidestep conventional treatment. Of course, there are always exceptions – some cases are resistant to natural treatment. Western medicine only offers medication and surgery, which I believe should be last resort treatment options for atherosclerosis, heart disease or an emergency such as a heart attack. Cases of emergency require medical intervention and surgery.

I watched my father choke down over 10 medications a day, including statins for a decade, endure two angioplasties, and undergo countless heart tests. None of it did any good. He did tons of research on his own and seemed to be incredibly informed in his decisions. He mistakenly didn’t consider anything outside of western medicine. He died at the young age of 68. This does not have to be you.

Have I left anything out of this article? Do you have a story about how conventional medicine made you sicker or how natural treatments healed you? Please leave a comment below. I want to hear your story!

*These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. The products discussed in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are not intended to replace any medication, medical test(s), or healing modality prescribed by your medical doctor. Please consult with your doctor before beginning a new supplement regime

Click Here for References+

1. Analytical Research Labs. Metabolic Aspects of Hypertension.
2. Campbell-McBride, Natasha, MD. Put Your Heart in Your Mouth. Medinform Publishing, 2007.
3. Cleveland Clinic. Carotid endarterectomy.
4. Davis, Williams, MD. Wheat Belly. Rodale, 2011.
5. Ehealthmed.com. Angioplasty. March 16, 2012.
6. Hyman, Mark, MD. Seven Tips to Fix Your Cholesterol Without Medication. January 28, 2011.
7. Louis, PF. Taking Aspirin Regularly Causes Severe Degenerative Eye Disorders.
March 1, 2013.
8. Mass Genomics. A Formula for Dosing Humans with Rat Poison.
9. Murray, Michael, ND. The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. Atria Books, 2005.
10. Rogers, Sherry. The Cholesterol Hoax. Prestige Publishing, 2008.
11. Sola S, Mir MQ, Cheema FA, et al. Irbesartan and Lipoic Acid Improve Endothelial Function and Reduce Markers of Inflammation in Metabolic Syndrome. Circulation, 2005;111:343-348.
12. Weil, Andrew. Atherosclerosis. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART03421/Atherosclerosis.html
13. Williams MJ, Sutherland WH, McCormick MP, et al. Aged garlic Extract Improves Endothelial Function in Men with Coronary Artery Disease.
Phytotherapy Research, 2005;19:314-319.
14. Whittaker, Julian. Magnesium for Heart Disease… and More. http://www.whitakerwellness.com/health-concerns/treatments-for-heart-disease/magnesium-supplements/
15. Whittaker, Julian. Naturally Reduce your Risk of Heart Disease. June 10, 2011.
16. World Health Organization. Cardiovascular Disease World Data Table.

This material is for educational purposes only. The preceding statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

in Alternative Medicine/Articles/Health Conditions/Survive

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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Evan Brand
11 years ago

Wendy that was an incredible article. It’s actually a sigh of relief for me, there’s so many things that can go wrong with the human body..

It’s amazing how far people have been led in the wrong direction.

The best sentence in this entire article could be that we are not suffering from an aspirin deficiency

Thank you!

Wendy Myers
11 years ago
Reply to  Evan Brand

I’m glad you liked that line! So many modes of conventional treatment offer medications to cover up symptoms. But their illness did not arise as a deficiency of statins or heart medication. The cure is reversing the diet and lifestyle that got a patient in their health crisis in the first place!

Darlene Patrick
Darlene Patrick
11 years ago

You might also consider the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego. They offer the same services (in fact I think they were the first ones to offer this ) as the Hippocrates Health institute. They are also considerably less expensive

Wendy Myers
11 years ago

Thank you for that suggestion. I didnt realize the Optimum Health institute was more reasonable. thats a very goid point. I was considering adding more natural healing institutions for people to consider but there are so many! Tried to keep it simple 🙂

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Jodi Higgins
Jodi Higgins
10 years ago

I have CAD and had a heart attack 14 months ago. Not to go into huge detail but I was eating pretty clean, exercising & had my BP under control & did not have high cholesterol.

I am also a recent graduate of IIN, and while I do most of the things you recommend by way of eating, lifestyle & supplements. I can’t believe you are advising me and everyone to NOT follow the advice of our cardiologist – “take your advice instead”. And “throw away our statin drugs”, as well as our blood pressure medication. I’m listening to you tell me that flax (which I have 2T daily) is a natural statin and so I don’t have to take my statin meds anymore.

There are other reasons for statins after a heart attack when you already have CAD like stabilize your plaque so you don’t have a stroke. It is very nice that you are giving other alternatives . While I agree with many of the things you said – I have to say as I was having my heart attack due to a 98% blockage in a major artery I was very grateful for my cardiologist, and the stent he inserted. I would really listen to yourself again after reading our scope of practice recommendations.

Steve Deck
Steve Deck
10 years ago

Would like to learn more about the heart

Hamid Shadaram
10 years ago

its work very good

Muhammad Akhlaq
Muhammad Akhlaq
10 years ago

Really an informative and well described article.

10 years ago

Love this article and agree with all of it! I’ve done extensive reading on the cause of high cholesterol. If only I could get my husband to believe it! He thinks low fat/lo carb is the way to go and is basically starving (well, not quite) himself. He had a heart attack a month ago and had a stent placed as he had 99% blockage in the right coronary artery and there was no choice at the time. I just keep praying that he’ll see the light.

10 years ago

Excellent article. I feel sorry for the older people that have to undergo these invasive procedures unnecessary. Here in South Africa its also becoming an everyday occurance. . Wish there was a like button for this.

10 years ago

In list of supplements to take, should also include K2. This helps ensure that calcium goes into bones rather than calcification and plaque. Have a number of friends who have started taking this and had significant results in removing painful calcification from joints. One had a mild heart attack, and when they investigated, could find no plaque at all. Concluded that the problem was in an artery so small that they couldn’t access it.

10 years ago

Hello Wendy,

I recently quit smoking (over 30 years). If I follow the program carefully, how long could I expect for my arteries to reverse (to that of a non-smoker) from smoking induced atherosclerosis? Im not looking for a guarantee, just a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you.


Ken Neal
Ken Neal
10 years ago

Hi I was getting a cardo cath in last two days to find I havs a artery at the apex of my heart clogged and is dead.Heart has done a natural bypass called Collaterl over and long period of time..I want to reverse all plaque to that artery by using Nitious oxide along with LArginine/vitamine C also L Citruline along with oter vitamins to see if I can reduce and get rid of this plaque aling with diet change.Other arteries are fine just this one.I have moderat isceamia of that .I prefer to go the natural way ..Is this a good plan and will it work.I work out 5 days a week 3 1/2 hours each day..Let me know if this sounds good as Im using other vitamins as well like Niacin COQ10..Id appreciate your help in this matter…Ken

10 years ago

Very interesting. I really believe with a deep passion that preventive medicine is the real key to preventing clogging of the arteries. I dropped my cholesterol 60 points in 5 1/2 weeks. I used a combination of Metamucil, apple cider vinegar, exercise, eating an apple each day, and still eating an egg (removing 1/2 the yolk), and reading the Bible regularly. Other preventive measures were applied, but not enough time to discuss. Also, I am running more efficiently at age 66.

10 years ago

Thank you Wendy, this is one of the best articles I have read on this subject. I refused to take cholesterol medication and have reduced LDL cholesterol by reducing sugar and processed carbs from my diet. I have also lost weight by doing this.
You are one of the few people who have stated that dietary sources of cholesterol do not affect cholesterol levels. I wish more people knew this. There is so much bad information out there.

Caroline Leclercq
Caroline Leclercq
10 years ago

The water we drink is very hard, full of limescale and it is difficult to obtain bottled water. Does the hard tap water increase atherosclerosis? Many thanks for your reply. A most interesting & helpful article.

10 years ago

Well I wish I had some of the right answers to all of this. I do not believe in most pill pushers and lost my dad and a few uncles at very young ages. Myself 50 and working out and trying to eat right, Now, Yea I know should have yrs age. In good shape now and work out mostly every day and take natural supplements that have read our good. Doing Juice diet, detox ect. Will it work, not sure if I will ever Know.

10 years ago

Excellent article Wendy. Have you heard anything about Vitamin K2 reversing calcium in the arteries? If so, do you prefer MK4 or MK7?

9 years ago

Calcium supplementation without an adequate amount of magnesium means trouble; Mg keeps it from depositing in arteries and heart valves.

Jitesh Jain
10 years ago

Another approach to natural healing is through Ayurveda, there are several Ayurvedic herbs that are clinically proven to reduce cholesterol levels and keep the heart healthy. Terminalia Arjuna (Arjun), Emblica Officinalis (Amla), and Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru) to name a few of them. These have been tested and found to be extremely beneficial in reducing cholesterols, controlling blood pressure and strengthening heart muscles.

10 years ago

Hi, I am 33 ,smoke for over 15 years,on the 12th of last month I was diagnosed with bilateral arterial stenosis 60% blockage in my legs, I’ve had high blood pressure for over 2 years in which I was never treated for also in the past 2 years I’ve had an extremely high amount of stress, I’ve stopped smoking but have been using the vapo oil electronic cigg…my Dr now has me on 1 children’s aspirin a day, 1 lisinopril 5mg a day for high BP, simvastatin 10 mg at bed time due to high cholesterol and then cilostazol 100mg twice a day to supposedly expand my arteries for easier blood flow & less pain, I’ve always ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, as well as remained a very active person,the they tell me I will never be able to bring that 60% down only prevent it from getting worse, I’ve changed my eating habits tremendously by cutting out all types of salt, sugars and grease, I also try to walk atleast 45 minutes a day occasionally skipping a day from time to time, I’ve only found all this out on the 11th of last month after complaining about the pain, sores on feet and toes always freezing as well as turning dark purple since October 2013, I go to a vascular specialist next week, could you tell me your opinion on my situation and how you would go about treating it? Thanks so much in advance, seeing it being said this can be reversed gives me even more hope,and i would be 100% willing to do whatever it takes to get this started… Diana

10 years ago

My circle of health care experts are recommending Magnesium Chloride as best-uptaken form of Magnesium. Any thoughts?

As I have significant carotid blockage, I want to thank you for the heads-up on the New England Journal of Medicine article. Which I haven’t found yet. Got a reference?

10 years ago

Hi Wendy, I love your article, it agrees with so many of the conclusions we have come to while researching how to cope with my fibromyalgia and I have had some great results from trying the Paleo diet and exercise. We are not quite there yet though, because it has been very difficult for us to change our eating habits, but we are making progress. I came across this article on this occasion because I was looking for ways to naturally lower my husbands cholesterol level. It was at 7.5 over a year ago, and with changes we have made to our diet and exercise it has come down to 6.5, but his doctor still isn’t happy and is pushing for him to start medication. You have made many useful suggestions, the only problem is that you have listed many possible supplements he could take, and he couldn’t take them all for practical and financial reasons, and I don’t know where to start! I would love to know a simple programme of supplements that would help lower his cholesterol. Also, would it be the eight thing to add porridge die his breakfast to our Paleo diet as so many studies say that it lowers cholesterol? We also intend increasing his fatty fish intake, adding a handful of almond or Brazil nuts per day and a good omega supplement. thanks.

7 years ago

Supplementing calcium when you have a build up of calcium in tissue is complete suicide. Again boron assists with uptake of calcium in the body.

If there is an excess of calcium in the tissues, boron takes it from tissue and puts it back into bone. A boron deficiency causes parathyroid to become overactive and to secrete parathyroid hormone which causes calcium to be displaced from bone. Simply correcting that deficiency reverses the “cause”, plus it strengthens bone, and decalcifies tissues and arteries. There is an excess of calcium so no need to supplement it initially.

Adding magnesium speeds the process up as magnesium alone chelates excess calcium also and is heart healing or heart problems are aided with it. The problem is a magnesium and boron deficiency. Take D3 and K2 also is probably a good idea to assist with putting calcium into bone and lowering inflammation.

Vitamin E is a good blood thinner and also lowers inflammation and would do so far more effectively than any supplement you listed. Not to mention, people with heart or cardovascular disease are often deficient in it.

Think ACE-D3 and Zinc, Boron, K2. Niacin/niacinamide also reverses arterial plaque. Skip calcium supplementation for a while.

Also, in studies, the higher the level of Biotin, the lower the blood sugar meaning biotin is great for diabetics. This also is reinforcing the importance here of how simple vitamin and mineral deficiciencies being corrected trump unnecessary supplements such as red rice, Turmeric or whatever. The latter are just “band aids” as statins are because you’re not addressing the cause of the inflammation, whereas correcting Vit and Min deficiencies reverses and heals in the correct way and improves health of the WHOLE body.

Pando Dark
Pando Dark
9 years ago

I would not really call olive oil a healthy oil. It is slightly healthier than some other oils but studies have shown olive oil reduces blood flow by 31%. This can be disastrous for someone with existing CAD and could actually trigger a heart attack.

9 years ago

Thank you so much Wendy for this amazing article! I’ve been dealing with alot of these issues and havent found any information linking most of my symptoms in one place. I was Dx with Gluten Intolerance about 4 years ago & was left to figure out GF on my own… What a nightmare! Ive dealt with Ulcerative Colitis for 21 years and it has been a downward spiral even after going GF. I had some improvements but my fatigue only improved slightly. Weight has increased due to not knowing what to eat, being so exhausted any effort was debilitating, & the development of SVT which made the situation even worse. Angina as well with numbness in my arms and legs then total muscle weakness after performing any small task. I do have to say though that a natual lition I made w/ Lemongrass essential oil I apply twice a day helps a bit. I was started on Metroprolol 50mg twice a day by my Dr. a couple of months ago, but have felt an increase in the angina the past few weeks. I have been taking L-Theanine which does help relieve it, but want to get rid of the issue. I was not Dx w/ a artery issue but with all the pain in my extremities I knew it was not right. Ill be implementing your ideas immediately & hopefully can repair myself. Im only 43 & getting married in November. Id like to function as a vibrant healthy woman again!
Thank you!

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Wyatt

HI Wyatt, I’m sorry you’re dealing with all these health issues. This is a great article on angina. http://drlwilson.com/Articles/CARDIOVASCULAR%20DIS.htm. I also have an article on gluten intolerance on the site. Hope they help. I always recommend doing a mineral power program to mineralize the body and detox you of heavy metals and chemicals that are always contributors to health issues. https://myersdetox.com/mineral-power

9 years ago

Is honey, agave, and other less refined sugars safer or should sweeteners be avoided all together?

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Grace

I would definitely avoid agave. It’s a very heavily processed sugar. All sugars raise your blood sugar, which is not healthy. I am not a hardliner against all sugars as I believe they can be enjoyed in moderation. Coconut sugar raises your blood sugar the least. But in an ideal world, avoiding all sugars creates ideal health. Some are able to do this. I am not one of them!

9 years ago
Reply to  Wendy Myers

Me either. I was raised on sugar. I never had any weight issues or even high blood pressure because of it, I’ve always maintained a weight averaging 115, and my blood pressure has never even been close to an issue. However, my husband is another story. I’ve cut back drastically for his sake. He’s 61 and well over 200lbs. I want him to live a healthy life while he and I are alive, so that means taking the sugar intake down a few pegs. Thanks for the info. I would like to find “coconut sugar”. I’ve never heard of it.

9 years ago

Very interesting stuff… I just lost my father to a second heart attack after he had a stent put in. he was 64 and had CAD. I’m 36 and desperate to not end up in a similar situation… there’s a lot of info to take in and its a little overwhelming… any ideas where or how to start?

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  chris

I would start with a hair mineral analysis to assess your calcium levels. When you have high calcium on a hair mineral analysis this is a sign that you have hardening of the arteries as the calcium hardens the arteries. This whole process starts due to adrenal fatigue, which is healed on my Mineral Power program. Click here to learn more. https://myersdetox.com/mineral-power. You should also supplement the basic minerals, like calcium, magnesium, zinc, coq10 and others. These you must take daily for the rest of your life. You can find the best products that I recommend in the live to 110 store. https://myersdetox.com/store.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

Of course your doctor doesn’t believe skipping grains didn’t make your LDL go down. They usually never factor in nutrition as promoting an improvement in health. Good doctors will, though.

As far as your other symptoms, many imbalances in the body contribute. The high blood pressure can be metal toxicities and hardened arteries due to calcium and cadmium deposits. Adrenal fatigue causes the hormone imbalances and hot flashes. My program Mineral Power heals all the problems. https://myersdetox.com/mineral-power. It’s an involved program, but it works!!! Your hair is falling out due to thyroid issues and copper toxicity. I see this every day in my practice. Here’s a great articles on hair loss. http://drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/HAIR%20LOSS.htm I hope that helps.

9 years ago

Hello Wendy
My husband and I stumbled across your website and am very glad we did. We are pretty good with our food intake however in the last 3 weeks my husband who is a postie has been getting heart palpatations, suffering from scintillating scotoma and although we haven’t visited the docs yet we are pretty sure he is also suffering from sleep apnia.
I personally put it down to job stress which sees him working between 6-9 hours a day, in that time he doesn’t have anything to drink as there are no toilet facilities on his run and because they don’t have a break he has been eating Oaty’s bars while delivering. For breakfast he has 1c oatmeal – cooked with either water or almond milk, topped with chia seeds & banana as well as 2x rice cakes spread with organic honey.
We eat brown rice between 1-2 times a week, have sandwiches with GF bread. My question is regarding the cutting out of grains – will this also include quinoa? I thought of substituting his oatmeal for quinoa. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Anina

Quinoa is a pseudo-grain. I would not consider it a grain and it can be eaten freely. I would definitely cut out the “cholesterol lowering” oatmeal. There are so many more nutritious foods you can eat. I think rice and other gluten free grains are find in moderation.

9 years ago

Just over a month ago I experienced a Thunderclap Headache magnitude 7.5. A couple of weeks later, I was diagnosed with a 5mm aneurysm on the M1 bifurcation of my Left Middle Cerebral Artery. The Neurologist insisted that I go immediately to the ER to schedule surgery. I was told that there were no non-surgical options for treatment. At the hospital I was urged to undergo invasive brain surgery where they cut your skull open, peel back the frontal lobe and install a titanium clip on the aneurysm. Yikes! After doing a lot of research to take a decision, I found that a lot of people who undergo surgical treatment for aneurysms experience life long side effects and/or some form of disability. I also found out that it won’t necessarily prevent another aneurysm from forming in the same location. I saw a really gross picture of someone that had like five titanium clips on the same artery. I was like, oh hell no!

While I am fully aware that a ruptured aneurysm is life threatening, my intuition told me that there was another option and so I decided to return home and begin the long process of trying to heal my arteries. I am 50 years old. I suffer from alcoholism, was a two pack a day smoker for 35 years, and am about 75lbs overweight so it’s probably not going to happen overnight but I am determined!

I have this ticking time bomb in my brain and God is holding the detonator switch. I’m on a short leash but was given a second chance at life. So I quit drinking, smoking and drinking coffee as these things all increase the odds of a rupture. I have started exercising though I have to be very careful about my heart rate and blood pressure. I am in the process of educating myself about what supplements to take to heal my arteries and my brain. I stumbled on your video and thank you for this information. Sugar and Wheat are really hard ones to let go of!

I also stumbled upon some research about Linus Pauling’s collagen therapy. My Dad (really smart guy) was way into him. He said to take Amino acids and mega doses of Vit. C. So, in addition to changing my diet and lifestyle completely, I am going to start taking mega doses of Vitamin, Mineral and Amino Acid supplement (as well as some herbal remedies). I just have to be careful not to take too many blood thinners. I find that to be a bit of a catch 22 because most of the herbs that you can take to reduce high blood pressure act as blood thinners. But little by little, I hope to heal the little bugger.

Anyway, yeah that’s my story. Thanks again for all the helpful information in your video. Cheers!

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Tree

Thanks for sharing your amazingly inspiring story! I hope all your efforts pay off!!! I would love to see you beat the odds!

Crystal Sourceint
Crystal Sourceint
9 years ago
Reply to  Tree

With your attitude and taking responsibility for your own health (over succumbing to the whims of a procedure-and-drug-oriented mainstream doctor), I have NO DOUBT that you will be successful. Based on what you describe, It took lifestyle habits to massively contribute to – if not create – your problem, so it stands to reason that NEW and BETTER lifestyle habits CAN and WILL contribute to healing your body and mind. (And Wendy Myers’ site is an outstanding resource ;0) )
Many blessings to you!!!

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

I put that in there because my father always joked that he was taking rat poison when he took his warfarin. I don’t think it’s stupid. I think it’s truly concerning that people are putting something in their bodies that is used to kill a small animal – hardly akin to a vitamin.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

thank you so much for your kind words!! Bravo!

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

I think if you’re going to eat a grain it should be rice – brown or white. Depending on the person’s severity of diabetes or heart disease, they need to watch carb intake and can eat a little rice if they’re reducing their carbs elsewhere. All grains turn into sugar, which can damage the body, but it’s all about moderation.You can have a LITTLE.

9 years ago

I really enjoyed your video…i found out my father had been on a low dose of lipitor for over 10 years..i heard it was bad so i researched it and i couldnt believe all the things it does…it destroys muscle and your heart is a muscle, it inhibits your helper t cells that act to identify foriegn pathogens & alert the immune system to fight it off…so the immune system doesnt get the memo and is not fighting anything off for over 10 years…it blocks cholesterol being made which prevents red blood cell renewal so less red blood cells means not getting enough oxygen and nutrients to the heart and brain for over 10 years…and cells that dont renew die…become mutations mutations dont leave the body and eventually turn to cancer…lipitor is a deadly mycotoxin disease causing fungi that was free to ravage the body without anything to fight it off…not to mention depletion of the myelin sheath due to the body taking cholesterol from the braig can to renew cells…His heart doctor did not tell him to take coq10 and even told my father that there is no scientific proof that vitamins are beneficial….can you believe this? I got my father to stop lipitor but i saw a picture of him he lives on the east coast and in california so dont see him much but he looked really aged from the lipitor. he wont take the vitamins because his doctor told him its useless…Im concerned about him getting cancer and told him to take 7 apricot seeds a day to prevent it…and to take MSM sulphur water and lipo spheric vitamin c which is supposed to change cancer cells and mutated cells back to normal healthy cells …i try to tell him but he is so stubborn…i feel like giving up and let him do what he wants but i hate for him to get cancer or have a heart attacki
any advice about how i can convince him would be appreciated..

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  amanda

If my father were alive today he probably would not do most of what I advised him. I think a lot of older people are set in their ways, beliefs and ideas and it is hard to convince them otherwise. Many place complete faith in their medication and physician’s advice. You can only keep trying to tell them how concerned you are. Show them evidence in a form they can digest – do they prefer videos? audo? reading? going to lectures? will they only listen to MD’s? Get them info written by MD’s. If you do all that, you’ve done your best.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

I think it’s about everything in moderation. Complex carbs are broken down slowly in the body. The key is only eating enough so that you don’t spike your blood sugar. THIS is what damages arteries, not the food per se. Carbs needs to be eaten in moderation with fats and proteins to suppress any potential spike in blood sugar. The body need at least 150 of grams a day for basic bodily functions, though this can be highly variable with the individual. Carbs are a nutrient and are needed by the body.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

HI Alf,
I would have to do a consult with you and take a health history before I could make any recommendations. You can book and appointment here. http://store.myersdetox.com/health-coaching/health-coaching-one-hour/. You can reverse the blockages in your heart, but natural means take time – years even. But people can and do unblock their arteries and heal the systemic issues contributing to your health issues.

9 years ago

Hi Wendy….I love the attention to detail you have in this article. I had a heart attack on Christmas, and two stints were put in. I would like to try these alternatives to satins, which my doctor wants to put me on for life (!), but I want to have medical supervision. My fear is that some of these supplements may be effective enough such that a piece of plaque may become worn away, and then break off, much like the sea erodes a rock, and travel in the blood stream, possibly causing a stroke. The Wellness Institute you mentioned looks good, but I am in the bay area, Northern California. Is there a similar institute up here?

What is your take on my concern regarding dislodging cholesterol ?

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  claydo

HI Claydo!
While plaque dislodging can be a concern, when you attempt natural means of healing, the plaques are removed slowly, a little at time. It’s usually when an acute stressor or a rupture in the plaques that causes a large piece to dislodge, promoting stroke. But this does not mean that you don’t attempt natural treatment and allow it to progress. You MUST treat it naturally as statins should only be used in the MOST severe cases after natural means have not worked.

As far as a similar medical facility in the bay area, naturally I would visit Chris Kresser’s Clinic. He would use a similar approach. http://www.Chrisskresser.com. He has a great cholesterol online program as well that I highly recommend.

And of course I can only recommend my Mineral Power program at http://www.mineralpower.com to mineralize your body, detox it and aid your body in healing this systemic issue. It’s not just your heart that’s the issue. It’s a systemic issue.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wendy Myers

Hi Wendy!
Thank you so much for the great advice on Chris kresser. As you said, his on line program is awesome. At this point I feel like I need a highly competent practitioner to guide me through the various testing on a holistic level that I need to define and remedy my health shortcomings. Unfortunately Chris kresser isn’t taking new patients! (tragic!) Can you recommend someone else at or near his level of competency who can assist me? I am willing to travel out of the state of California.

Your advice is so helpful to so many people. I can’t begin to express my gratitude!

Regards, clay

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  clay

HI Clay,
chris Kresser does take new patients periodically and he has hired an MD that he has trained to take clients. I would make an appointment at his clinic if you like his approach.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wendy Myers

Hi again Wendy, I just called the other day and nobody on his staff is taking new patients unfortunately. Is there any one else you would recommend? I cant wait for something to open up, as my angina is returning since the stints. Is it possible to consult with you for a half hour by telephone for a fee? Thanks again.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  clay

HI Clay!
Absolutely we can do a consult! You just get a half hour consult here and then make an appointment. http://store.myersdetox.com/health-coaching/health-coaching-half-hour/

9 years ago

What do you think of using a small amount of natural honey in your tea?

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

Everything in moderation. Honey is sugar. Pure sugar. So, it’s not ideal if you have hardened arteries or heart disease. But you body can withstand a little sugar daily, but I would watch the rest of your daily sugar intake very closely.

Denis O
Denis O
9 years ago
Reply to  Wendy Myers

Honey is half fructose and that gets metabolized in the liver. Glucose is the culprit that causes the plaque, as it goes directly into the blood, triggering the pancreas to release unstable insulin molecules to accompany it. Unless the glucose is absorbed in the muscle cells, it circulates with insulin molecules that are reactive. The insulin allows an electron transfer to open the cell glucose receptors, but if the cells are full, they can’t accept the glucose and it continues to circulate with the reactive insulin, that abrades the artery walls. Eventually, artery wounds develop, become infected, and the immune reaction inflames the wound site to kill the invading bacteria. When a certain temperature is reached, and only then, the cholesterol becomes “sticky” and adheres to the wound, forming a plaque scab, and ending the inflammation. Exercise uses up the glucose in the cells, so that the new glucose fuel is accepted by the cells and there is no insulin damage to the arteries.

9 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

Yes Wendy, everything in moderation unless you are me…I am one of those werid people who do not fit into the catagories. I exercise and have exercised all my life (65 years), I have alway eaten well, now I eat great. I have taken many of your suppliments for years, including fish oil and others. I have moderately high cholesterol, around 150 ldl and 70+ hdl, low tri,s, 90 blood sugar.
A couple of years ago they found a almost 90% blocked carotid artery which they fixed. My blood pressure has been creeping up for the last decade and now stands at about 140/82 while on 50 mgs of lorastan. I recently added magnesium to my diet to help cure a planter faciitis. I found a functional doctor recently who is working with me but I would love to beat this naturally and get off the heart pressure meds. Love to hear your ideas on this.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

You sound like a lot of people that I counsel. You live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet, but still have health issues. I know it’s frustrating. This is my whole message. That is GREAT, but it’s not enough in our toxic world. People need to detox in order to be healthy. And they need targeted nutrient therapy to correct their body chemistry imbalances. I provide just this on my http://www.mineralpower.com program. Here are a few articles to help clarify what’s going on with your health. My program mineral power will help to heal all your health issues naturally. http://drlwilson.com/Articles/hypertension.htm

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

Yes! that is absolutely true! Magnesium is the boss of calcium and tells calcium where to go! Most of my clients today have very high calcium on their hair mineral analysis – metastatic calcium – that has deposited in the tissues, including the arteries. This needs to be detoxed from the body. I’ve been releasing calcium for years on my HTMA’s!!!!

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

Hello! I’m a fan of fruit juice like Pomegranate. Pomegranate juice gets my seal of approval because it is so rich in phytonutrients. However, it MUST be fresh or it’s mostly sugar water. I have only found that at my local farmer’s market. It cannot be pasteurized or it kills a lot of the benefits of the juice. don’t bother with anything bottled that’s been sitting on a shelf.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

YES! You can reverse them! As your body begins to heal, your body will break down the plaques on your arterial walls. Surgery only pushes them down with stints. And they just come back if you don’t change your diet and lifestyle. It takes a complete reversal of diet, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and taking the proper supplements. You have to correct your body chemistry and the body will begin to heal itself. You also have to rid the body of heavy metals and chemicals interfering in the body’s metabolic function. I do all this with my healing and detox program Mineralpower.com.

Wendy Myers
9 years ago

I think it’s amazing!! I would take it! I carry it in the store under this product. http://store.myersdetox.com/supplements/fibrovera-90-caps/ It’s marketed for fibroids, but can be used for any health condition, including heart issues and pain syndromes.

Joan campbell
Joan campbell
8 years ago

Hi Wendy, I have an under active thyroid and take thyroxine on a daily basis. What effect does this drug have on the arteries? Is it possible to get my thyroid working properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Wendy Myers
8 years ago
Reply to  Joan campbell

Hi Joan!
The thyroxine is not really harmful as far as medications go. They do however, rev up and can fatigue the adrenals. This is the only downside. But as far a a medication it’s very safe. You CAN get your thyroid working again. I healed my thyroid and got off medication. It’s a great feeling. BUT it does take work. I did it with my Mineralpower.com program. You can’t just focus on the thyroid. You have to heal your entire body – mineralize it and detox it – for your thyroid and all the systems affecting it to work properly.

Jim Power
Jim Power
8 years ago

Hi Wendy
I am a soon to be 65 year old male who has had Type 1 diabetes for over 46 years and hypothyroid for over 16 with 3rd stage renal failure.. I am actually healthier than that sounds.

My cardiologists wants me to have open heart surgery as i have blocked arteries (apparently) and a heart murmur which shows the early stages of problems with the Aortic Value.

I just had a CT scan done as I have been feeling a pain in my chest along my breast bone when I walk uphill or work out. and it is never in the same place but always along the bone.
My doctor said it showed hardening of the Arteries and so I had him send it to my cardiologist.

One of my meals now each day has
Goji berries
Aronia Berrties
Cherry juice (organic 100%)
Pomegrante juice (organic 100%)
Health greens
Green food supplement
Pea Protein powder
Coconut milk
Chia seeds
IT actually tastes pretty good

I also take several drops of DoTerra Lemon oil in my water ( I drink a lot of water each day)
Now, after reading your article I am going to continue on this and other ways to clean my arteries and just keep testing.

Wendy Myers
8 years ago
Reply to  Jim Power

Good for you!! Keep doing the lemon oil – it will dissolve calcifications. I would very seriously consider to a mineralpower.com program to heal your body and reverse health conditions. I’d personally ONLY do surgery after I’d exhausted every natural option available. that’s going to be a LONG recovery.

Wendy Myers
8 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind words Angela!

Wendy Myers
8 years ago

Hello Habibur

You should check out my Modern Paleo Diet. Specifically I have an article that might interest you here: https://myersdetox.com/fats-only-make-your-brain-fat/

Thanks for reading!

8 years ago

Many, many thanks for this article Wendy. I have now survived P.T.E twice due to a DVT, and also a knee surgery which led to blood clotting in my lungs again. I am 50yrs of age and have smoked for over 30 of those, I now need to address serious lifestyle changes and found your article highly informative. I hope to adopt these critical changes ASAP. Thank you again.

8 years ago

Wendy, this page is very helpful and I will be back to post in more depth – right now I just want to check something. When you say drink 1/4 cup of ground flaxseed a day, is that the equivalent of 2 ounces or 56 grams? Just checking because that’s how much I just drank and it seemed like a lot…although I will happily drink it if that’s what it takes…

Wendy Myers
8 years ago
Reply to  monkeymind

Hi. I do believe that conversion is correct!